Your guide to optimising performance with client health insights

You've probably noticed that running a fitness business goes beyond teaching classes and motivating clients. It's all about understanding your members and optimising your operations. One of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal to do this is understanding client heath. Whether you're tracking overall performance or zooming in on specific client behaviours, this data can offer valuable insights to drive your business forward.

At LegitFit, we’ve made it easy to access and leverage your client’s health with attendance reports so you can make smart, data-driven decisions. Let’s break down why tracking this information is crucial, and how you can use it to boost your business performance.

Why attendance data matters for your fitness business

Knowing who’s showing up and how often is key to understanding the health of your business. By reviewing customer attendance data, you can:

  • Spot trends: Are there specific classes or times that are more popular? Are certain clients booking but not showing up?
  • Improve retention: By keeping an eye on attendance, you can quickly see which clients are dropping off. This gives you a chance to re-engage them before they disappear for good.
  • Boost revenue: When you know which services are thriving and which are underperforming, you can adjust your schedule or offerings to match demand, ensuring you're maximising your earnings.

Attendance data at your fingertips

At LegitFit, we break down attendance data into overall metrics and specific client metrics, giving you a well-rounded view of your business. 

  • Overall Metrics: This is your big-picture view. You’ll see general trends across all your clients.
  • Specific Client Metrics: Zoom in to get a personalised view of your members. Here, you’ll see things like:some text
    • First and last booking
    • Number of bookings made
    • Number of cancellations
    • Number of bookings attended
    • Attendance rate

By using both types of data, you can better understand both individual behaviours and broader business trends.

How to use attendance data to drive action

Now that you have this wealth of information, the next step is putting it to use. Here are a few actionable strategies to optimise your business performance based on the data:

Identify top clients & reward them: Clients who consistently attend sessions are your business's backbone. Use the attendance rate data to identify your top clients and consider offering them rewards or shout-outs to keep them motivated and loyal. With LegitFit, you can even automate milestone celebrations (like reaching 50 bookings) to make your members feel special without any extra work on your part.

Re-engage lapsed clients: Noticing a drop-off in bookings for some of your clients? Don’t let them slip away. You can set up automated messages to reach out to clients who haven’t booked in a while. A friendly reminder or an incentive to return can make all the difference in retaining those clients.

Maximise class attendance with waiting lists: Are your most popular classes filling up quickly? That’s a good problem to have, but it’s also an opportunity. Use the waiting list feature to fill in last-minute cancellations and ensure that no spots go unused. Using fitness management software, like LegitFit, allows you to automate waiting list notifications, so clients can jump into open slots without you having to manually reach out.

Adjust class schedules based on popular times: By reviewing overall attendance patterns, you can pinpoint peak hours and days. This gives you the data you need to tweak your schedule to better match demand. For instance, if you see that weekday evenings are packed, but mornings are slower, consider offering promotions or speciality classes during those quieter times.

Reduce cancellations with session reminders: Cancellations can hurt both your cash flow and your class energy. A simple solution is sending automated reminders to clients before their scheduled session. These reminders nudge clients to stick to their bookings or give you enough notice to fill their spot with someone on the waiting list.

Making data-driven decisions for long-term success

Using attendance data to guide your decisions ensures that you’re not just guessing what’s working - you know what’s working. The ability to track individual client metrics combined with overall performance data gives you a powerful toolkit to optimise your offerings, boost client satisfaction, and ultimately grow your fitness business.

With an all-in-one fitness management platform like LegitFit, you don’t need to spend hours analysing reports or manually reaching out to clients. The data and tools you need are all in one place, allowing you to focus on what matters most: delivering a great fitness experience for your clients.

Ready to turn data into action? Start exploring your attendance reports. By consistently reviewing and acting on attendance data, you can make smarter business decisions, keep your clients engaged, and maintain a healthy, thriving fitness business. Make every booking count.