Tom Drew

Introducing SAOR Consultancy… and Partnerships

LF partnerships, Approach, Why, & The Story So Far


For the latest in the LegitFit blog series it’s time to look at partnerships, something which has been a focus of the business in recent months. Dictionaries define a partnership along the lines of ‘an agreement between organisations, people, etc. to work together’, and on our mission to make a meaningful impact on the health and wellness industry we know one of the best ways to achieve more is to do just that; work together.


While no formal partnerships have been in place previously, LegitFit has often worked closely with others as a means to raise brand awareness and scale the business. As our global footprint widens it is clear there is a need to strike up relationships with companies and individuals to work together and to grow together. The by-products of this are improved industry knowledge, raised brand awareness, and expanded horizons. In turn, we want to provide LegitFit customers, their clients and the audience of our partners with an unrivaled network of support and empowerment.


Intro To SAOR, History, Why & The Benefits


One such example of this approach is the recent partnership we have re-kindled with SAOR Consultancy. A few years back there was an established understanding between the two parties but this was affected by the global pandemic meaning things were back at square one early in 2022. After reaching out to them in April it quickly became apparent that our values and ambitions still aligned, particularly with our shared focus on assisting our customers in the Irish and UK markets.


SAOR's service differs from client to client but centers on direct support to encourage business and personal growth. In most cases they work with fitness business owners directly in a coaching capacity for support, guidance and sometimes to be that gentle kick in the backside that they might need.


All their programs have been designed to ensure that you get the most out of your business. They have crafted digital training resources, physical support tools and much more to really add value to you and your fitness brand. Every SAOR program comes with one to one direct coaching and support including dedicated time with your coach each month.


What's In It For You


And now LegitFit customers can benefit from 20% off SAORs Fitness Business Management 101 Course, on which you can find out more information here and via a helpful online video description of the course from SAOR founder Shane McKeogh.


The course is perfect for anyone looking to systemize their business, grow it the right way and allow their team members to develop along the way. Learn how to manage the basics of business and become a true leader. The below areas are covered in detail with multiple units on each section:

  • Plan and Implement Business Systems
  • Fitness Business Marketing
  • Fitness Business Operations
  • Retention and Engagement
  • Sell fitness for good
  • Business Confidence


Get in touch to find out more and activate your discount.