Future-Proof Your Fitness Business with a 3-Lane Marketing Strategy

Following the success of last year's LegitFit Sessions, we are back with even more insights and strategies to help fitness professionals like you thrive in the industry. In our first webinar of the season, Charlie Horton, an international speaker and Head of Growth at Fitness Marketing Agency (FMA), explored how fitness professionals can future-proof their businesses.

Charlie has been with FMA since 2018, working to help grow the business into what it is today. A hugely successful agency that supports over 400+ clients and provides marketing tools and resources to aid in lead generation, conversion, sales and ultimately growth. Let's dive into the key insights from Charlie’s talk, enriched with additional resources and strategies to help you stay at the forefront of the fitness market.

Understanding the Essence of Future-Proofing

Charlie emphasised that future-proofing your fitness business involves implementing systems and strategies that ensure continuous growth and success. It's about knowing what works now and predicting what will work in the future. As he stated, “Marketing and lead generation are the lifeblood of your business.” Ensuring a steady stream of leads and customers is critical, regardless of how excellent your service might be.

Future Proofing your business: Live Session

The Power of Storytelling: Building Trust and Connection

Charlie illustrates the importance of connecting with potential clients on an emotional level. He shares a client story of a woman named Susie who found a new lease on life after joining a gym through a Facebook ad. This story highlights the power of testimonials and how they can resonate with people struggling with similar issues.

The 3-Lane Marketing System: A Future-Proof Approach

The core of this presentation is a three-lane marketing system designed to capture leads at different stages of the buying journey. Here's a breakdown of the lanes:

  • Fast Lane Marketing (Get Leads Today): This lane focuses on strategies that deliver instant results, like Facebook Ads and Google Ads. These methods provide quick results, ensuring a steady influx of potential clients.
  • Medium Lane Marketing (Get Leads Soon): This lane cultivates leads through methods like email marketing and referral programs, where conversion might take a little longer, building a warm audience over time.
  • Slow Lane Marketing (Plant Seeds for Later): This lane involves long-term brand-building tactics like social media content and SEO. While it might not generate immediate leads, it establishes brand awareness and fosters trust, creating a sustained presence and authority in the market.

Remember: Despite its age, email marketing remains a potent tool. Charlie urged fitness professionals to overcome the hesitation of appearing “spammy” and embrace consistent email communication.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them:

  • Wrong Outcome: Don't run ads that send people to your website or social media. The goal is to capture contact details and funnel them towards a specific offer. Use dedicated landing pages to capture essential client information.
  • Poor Sales Follow-Up: Leads from Facebook ads require a different approach compared to referrals. Develop a structured sales process. Effective selling is about addressing potential clients' subconscious fears and helping them make positive decisions.
  • Generic Offers: People need a clear understanding of what your service entails. Craft enticing introductory offers, like trial periods or challenges, to get them started.
  • Broad Targeting: Avoid generic marketing messages. Instead, tailor your campaigns to resonate with a specific niche within your target audience. Ensure your marketing messages are consistent across all platforms to build a cohesive brand image.
  • Focusing Solely on Features: Focus on the emotional transformation and positive outcomes your service provides, not just the specifics of your program.

By following these tips and speaking directly to your ideal client's needs, your fitness business can create marketing that captures attention, ignites interest, and ultimately leads to more sign-ups.

Connecting with Your Audience

When it comes to consuming, we're all a bit more self-centred, and with your customers and prospects, it's not different. They want to know how your service can benefit them. When they see an ad, they’re looking for something that will fulfil a need or solve a problem. So, here’s how you can shift your communication approach:

  1. Identify the Problem: Start by identifying the key challenges, for instance being scared to walk into a gym could evolve into a range of other challenges, like confidence, anxiety, sensory stimulation, etc.
  2. Offer a Solution: Present your service as the bridge to their solution. Don’t focus on the process (like equipment or technical aspects); focus on the outcome. For example, an ad for a holiday doesn’t detail the tedious travel process, it showcases the relaxing and enjoyable destination.
  3. Create Relatable Ad Copy: When writing your ad copy, connect with the audience by addressing their specific problems and offering a solution. For instance:some text
    • Problem Identification: "Are you scared to walk into a gym?"
    • Solution Presentation: "Introducing our 8-Week Beginner Only Program."
  4. Highlight Benefits: Instead of talking about your equipment or facilities, emphasise the benefits your clients will experience. For example: "In just 8 weeks, we’ll skyrocket your confidence, make you fitter and stronger, and help you get into the shape you’ve always wanted."
  5. Include a Call to Action: Direct your audience on what to do next. For example: "Click here to find out more."


Future-proofing your fitness business requires a blend of immediate, medium-term, and long-term marketing strategies. Charlie's insights provide a comprehensive roadmap to achieving sustained growth. By leveraging testimonials, embracing email marketing, and avoiding common pitfalls, you can ensure your fitness business not only survives but thrives in the competitive landscape.

As Charlie fittingly said, “Your business is one successful campaign away from skyrocketing.” Start implementing these strategies today to secure a prosperous future for your fitness business.